A matter of opinion
Published 10:11 pm Tuesday, November 12, 2013
The comic Rodney Dangerfield gave an example of opinion with the following one-liner: “My psychiatrist told me I was crazy and I said I want a second opinion. He said okay, you’re ugly too.”
At the end of the day, opinions are often worthless tools when digging for the truth and determining one’s own belief. Much of the time we are all better off coming to our own conclusions on a matter rather than waiting for others to weigh in.
Despite the danger of being overly-concerned with what others think, I find knowing how others feel about an issue helps me form my own opinion which is why these days I glance hurriedly through out-of-town newspapers only to arrive and actually read opinion pages and more specifically, letters to the editor.
A good letter to the editor is real, raw and often full of emotion. Half the time I disagree with the writer, but I always appreciate the effort it took to put one’s thoughts and feeling in writing.
The Prentiss Headlight has been the recipient recently of two letters that were opinionated at the least, and at most of real interest to the public – real doozies they were. I was desperate to print them, however, I could not because the writers did not fully identify themselves.
This paper’s policy is to not accept anonymous letters. Writers must be willing to stand behind their words with a full name, address and phone number. It is only necessary that the writer’s name be printed. Letters can be critical, but can also show appreciation and gratitude for some person or aspect of our community. Whatever the message, readers deserve to know from whom the opinion originates.
Drop us a line. Let us know what’s on your mind. The Prentiss Headlight values your take on issues. We look forward to hearing your opinion.