Published 11:02 am Friday, June 17, 2016
Tuesday the Whitesand Mission Team returned from Nicaragua.
I know the families of the rest of the team were as glad to see them, as I was to see the preacher.
They gave report on the trip Sunday night. The ladies felt the Bible schools had been successful and the men stated they didn’t get much of what they had planned to do on construction done because of the rain.
However, they did get to visit with some pastors and give Biblically sound advice and encouragement which may have been more important than the construction they would have gotten done.
Our team members were Bro. Charles Burnham, David and Sherry Lee, Harry Carter, Stephenie Hayman, Laverne Aycock and Mary Lou Garner.
God’s plans are not always our plans. Always leave room for change and don’t become upset if things don’t go exactly as you thought they would.
I have learned over the years that a change in direction is most likely a Godly intervention and praise Him for it.
Whitesand VBS will begin June 26th-30th from 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Please be in prayer for each teacher, child and worker that they may seek God’s will for each day.
Homecoming speaker this year will be John Green. We look forward to his presence and seeing the Whitesand families again this year.
Continue to pray fervently for our nation. Terror attacks are getting closer and closer to home. Pray for those who have lost loved ones in the recent attacks and that God will intervene.
We must continue to be faithful to Him and call our nation back from the brink of destruction.
If you have any community news you would like to see here contact me atshirleyb39114@yahoo.com