Judge makes salary increase request for public defenders
Published 6:27 am Friday, September 29, 2023
The Jefferson Davis County Board of Supervisors met for the second September meeting Tuesday morning at the board room in Prentiss. The Honorable Prentiss Harrell opened with prayer before the board adopted the agenda.
Judge Harrell presides over the Mississippi 15th Circuit Court District which includes Jefferson Davis County. Judge Harrell made a request to the board to increase the salaries of JDC public defenders Benton Evans and Vanessa Jones from $45,000 to $60,000 per year. The board approved the request.
The board extended the current county burn ban for two weeks and will re-evaluate the ban at the next board meeting.
Earline Jones with Colonial Life Insurance Company gave a presentation.
Superintendent Ike Haynes informed the board of flooding that is occurring at Jefferson Davis County High School, and asked for assistance in rectifying that issue.
Sheriff Ron Strickland and the board discussed the hiring of additional employees needed at the new jail, the ordering of new furniture for the jail and the vending machine program for the facility.
Two bids were opened for a new ice machine for the jail. It will be purchased from T and C Restaurant in Hattiesburg who bid $4,803.83. The other bid was from Grover Brothers for $5450.00.
The approval of school bus turnarounds in District 5 and District 3 was continued.
The approval for a quote for equipping 2023 Dodge Charger with lights, siren, cage and graphics was also continued.
JDC Emergency Management Director Jocelyn Ragsdale requested the addition of two distribution locations in the event of an emergency in the county. The Ezra Garner Building in Prentiss and the John Thompson Athletic Complex in Bassfield were added as locations.
The board agreed to pay half the cost of outside lighting at the Clem Fire Department.
In other business, the board approved the following without opposition before entering into executive session:
• Approved minutes.
• Approved spreading into the minutes affidavit of road and bridge inspection by each supervisor.
• Approved request from juror to re-issue check from 9-13-22.
• Approved use of credit card for District 3.
• Approved credit card report.
• Approved payment of invoices for Dungan Engineering for Sykes Road and Sutherland Drive, and countywide patching and leveling in District 1 and District 4.
• Approved employees attending meetings and conventions.
• Approved spreading into the minutes Employee Action Forms for Sheriff and Tax Assessor’s office.
• Approved spreading into the minutes the meal log and housing of prisoners for January 2023.
• Approved acceptance of the 2020 Personal Property Insolvency List and spreading into the minutes (list turned over to Southern Finance for collection).
• Approved acceptance of the 2020 Mobile Homes Delinquent Tax List and spreading into the minutes (list turned over to Southern Finance for collection).
• Approved spreading into the Minutes travel of supervisors for FY 23 and publishing in The Prentiss Headlight.
• Approved continuation of petty cash fund for Justice Court, $500, for FY2024.
• Approved order authorizing disbursement of budgeted funds until Dec. 31, 2023.
• Approved employing county employees until Dec. 31, 2023.
• Approved destruction of records.
• Approved claims.