Published 11:23 am Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Hello, there has been so much happening around here; I don’t know where to start. I should say I pray all of you had a good week. I now have a great-great grandson, Mike and Vera Dyess became great grand parents and Kaliegh Pierce became a mom, yes, this little boy brought joy to our hearts. Hunter Pierce was born last Thursday, weighing in at 6 pounds, what a joy.
Something wonderful will be happening at Society Hill July 29th at 7. This is very special to remember so write it on your calendar so you will not forget. You don’t want to forget this date, now it is time to mark the calendar.
Sammy and I had a wonderful time in Prentiss Saturday with shopping and going out to Wards to eat, a great place to eat with all the good service, a day well spent.
We will be having our homecoming revival in August; more about this as the month goes on, just keep it on your minds and be ready.
Several from our church went to Pearl this past Friday for the sing; it sure was a blessing to be a part of such a function. You should have been there, you don’t know what you are missing, maybe you can go the 22nd of July. The van leaves our church at 4.
Well you know how I like to write but I need to save space for others to get in a few words so take care, I love you all and I will see you next week the Lord willing.