Opinion Columnists

Mississippi poultry producers got early lessons in global trade conflicts with Russia 

Forget for a moment, if you can, the horrible human cost of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Set ...


Former Ukrainian Ambassador Chaly’s words to MSU students in 2016 prove prophetic 

Last week’s Russian invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent resistance efforts by Ukrainian defenders of their homeland was ...


$73 million verdict in Sandy Hook lawsuit unlikely to impact red states like Miss.

Does the stunning $73 million verdict against gun manufacturer Remington in the 2012 school shooting at Sandy Hook ...


Legislature deals with medical marijuana, but state’s initiative process remains dormant

Mississippi lawmakers rather quickly and decisively agreed on a medical marijuana program that didn’t earn universal agreement, but ...


State, local governments coping with tax impacts of cord-cutting and streaming

Local TV stations, cable providers, and companies selling satellite or dish technologies – not to mention the major ...


Will Mississippi voters regain the ability to engage in the voter referendum process?

As the 2022 regular session of the Mississippi Legislature moves forward, the question of the future of medical ...


Federal prosecutor James Tucker stood tall challenging Mississippi’s corruption

When retired federal prosecutor James B. Tucker died on Dec. 28 at the age of 82, the cause ...

Opinion Columnists

California, Massachusetts laws could raise food prices far beyond their state’s borders 

Voters in California and Massachusetts have directly passed laws regulating the conditions in which pigs, hens, and calves ...


Sen. Inouye was a product of a nation striving to unite, defend freedoms, heal differences

One of the more meaningful events during the observances last week of the 80th anniversary of the Dec. 7, ...


The Gift that Keeps Giving

My kids’ Christmas lists have been building for months now. William wants Hot Wheels; Henry, popits; Madeleine, an ...

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