Dreams come true for Prentiss mom with new triplets

Published 3:45 pm Wednesday, July 17, 2024

For nearly 20 years, Anjerrica Lee, of Prentiss, has dreamed of becoming a mom.

At age 14, she was told that the odds were slim after being diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome and endometriosis.

But April 19, Lee’s dream came true, and she gave birth to not only one miracle baby but three.

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“It was a rough patch for a while. I went to doctor after doctor after doctor, you know, hoping for the best, and unfortunately was told several times the possibilities were slim to none,” said Lee.

Lee gave birth to a Dichorionic-tri amniotic set of all-girl triplets, meaning two of the babies were identical, on April 19 at Forrest General Hospital in Hattiesburg.

“So here I am, 37 years old, blessed beyond measure and I can’t even begin to tell you how I think about it every day like this is life, I can’t believe it happened to me,” she said.

Lee’s triplets, Ray’Elle, Ray’Lee and Rayne had to spend some time in the neonatal intensive care unit but were able to go home just in time for Father’s Day.

“After all this time of actually wanting children, and finally having them, it’s like a dream come true,” said Lee.

Despite the long list of health risks Lee faced, she gives the credit to God and her faith.

“He is the one that made this possible,” said Lee.

“And I feel like because of my prayer life, that is what has kept me mentally strong, and I am so grateful that he chose me.”

Lee hopes her success story can help encourage other aspiring mothers to stay positive if they’re struggling to get pregnant.

“The one thing that I would tell any woman that is fighting endometriosis and PCOS, is to stay lifted up, keep your faith,” said Lee.

Lee is a 2006 graduate of Prentiss High School. Her parents are Mary Frances Bullock of Prentiss and the late Jerry Lee.

She said it has been quite an adjustment to be home in Prentiss with three at one time, but she has help from her family.

“My mom is their sitter which allows me to run errands and do other tasks while she keeps them,” said Lee. “I’ve got to say, I am most grateful for her. I count it a true blessing to still have a live able-bodied mother,” she said.